
多言語情報発信シンポジウム (Symposium on Multilingual Information Sharing and Launch of TKUN)

2015-04-07(火)10:00 - 17:00 JST

一橋大学 一橋講堂 中会議室

〒101-8439 東京都千代田区一ツ橋 2-1-2 学術総合センター内 (Gakujutsu Sougou Center, Hitotsubashi 2-1-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)






多言語情報発信シンポジウム (Symposium on Multilingual Information Sharing and Lauch of TKUN)

懇親会(Networking Event)

17:00-19:00 (懇親会のお申込みはこちらをクリックしてください。Click here for registration for the networking event.

★ 2015年4月7日(火)
★ 主催:国立大学法人豊橋技術科学大学 
★ 後援:経済産業省、

~Translation Knowledgebase and User Network (TKUN) の提案~


Scroll down for English.

この状況を打破し、効率良い多言語情報発信によって我が国の国際競争力を強化するため、Translation Knowledgebase and User Network (TKUN) を提案いたします。適切な文書作成や後編集、既存の対訳文書の活用などによって、機械翻訳を翻訳プロセス全体の中に有効に組み込むことが可能となります。TKUNに業種の垣根を越えた様々な企業・組織が結集し、それぞれの持つ知識やデータを持ち寄り、機械翻訳について学び合うことにより、効率の良い多言語化が実現できます。
 このたび、TKUNのキックオフシンポジウムを以下のように開催いたします。欧米での成功事例であるTAUS (Translation Automation User Society) からの報告や、各業界からの現状報告や期待など、盛りだくさんの内容です。海外への情報発信に興味を持つ皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。




(東京都千代田区一ツ橋 2-1-2 学術総合センター内)



1. 基調講演:長尾真元京都大学総長
2. TKUNの紹介:井佐原均(豊橋技術科学大学)
3. 機械翻訳における言語資源の役割について:秋葉友良(豊橋技術科学大学)
4. TAUSの紹介:Jaap van der Meer (TAUS)
5. TAUS user success stories:Chris Wendt (Microsoft Research)
6. 多言語情報発信への期待:企業等から数件を予定
7. データを使った翻訳を成功させる方法:河野弘毅(翻訳センター)
8. 機械翻訳を取り巻く国際標準化の動き:森口功造(川村インターナショナル)





グローバル時代になり世界中の人々の交流、貿易、技術輸出、等々が盛んになり、多言語間の相互翻訳の必要性がますます高まってきている。特に2020 年東京オリンピック・パラリンピックを考えると、音声の多言語翻訳も必要になる。こういった状況に対処するためには翻訳関係者、企業 が相互に協力する体制を作ることが重要である。





効率の良い多言語情報発信は我が国産業の国際競争力の強化に必須である。言語障壁を打ち破るため、ユーザの持つデータや知見、機械翻訳技術、世界標準の枠組みを融合するTKUN (Translation Knowledgebase and User Network) を提案した。TKUNの概要と、その具体化について述べる。



秋葉友良 (豊橋技術科学大学)


近年、自然言語処理システムの開発には、大規模な言語資源が不可欠になりつつある。例えば、2000年以降から急速に研究が進み性能を改善してきた統計的機械翻訳は、大規模な対訳コーパスの存在を前提として自動的に翻訳規則を学習する機械翻訳手法である。一方、言語資源は開発した言語処理システムの良し悪しを測る評価のためにも必要である。TRECやNTCIRなどの評価型ワークショップでは、共通の評価資源の元に研究者が集うことで技術開発の促進が図られている。本発表では、講演者がオーガナイザを務めてきたNTCIR SpokenDocおよびSpokenQuery&Docを例に、評価基盤としての言語資源を紹介する。また、多言語機械翻訳の実現に向けて問題となる言語資源の利用が限られた言語に対して、他の言語の大規模資源を利用して機械翻訳を適用する手法について、講演者らの取り組みを紹介する。



Photo of Mr. Jaap van der Meer

Mr. Jaap van der Meer

TAUS (Translation Automation User Society)、オランダ
Jaap van der Meerは、1980年代と1990年代には、最大規模の国際的な翻訳ローカライゼーションサービス企業の創立者でありCEOであった。2005年に、the Translation Automation User Society (TAUS)を設立。TAUSは、翻訳の技術革新についてのシンクタンクであり、地球規模で活動する翻訳およびローカライゼーションセクタのための、業界で共有できるサービスのプラットフォームとして機能している。最大規模のIT企業、政府の翻訳機関、そしてまた、翻訳およびローカライゼーションサービスおよび技術のサプライヤの多くが、TAUSの会員である。TAUSは、翻訳の品質評価とベンチマーキングのためのプラットフォーム、そして、翻訳メモリデータをプールし共有するためのプラットフォームを提供することに重きを置いている。なお、Jaap van der Meerは、長年にわたり、翻訳産業について、多くの記事を執筆している。


TAUSはグローバルな翻訳産業のリソースセンターです。我々のミッションは、翻訳産業の規模を拡大し、その存在の意義を増すことで、世界におけるコミュニケーションを良好にすることです。我々は、言語サービスおよび技術のバイヤーおよびプロバイダを、ビジエンスを成長させ革新するのに役立つ包括的なオンラインサービス一式と、ソフトウェアと、知識とをもってサポートします。Human Language Projectのビジョンと、翻訳メモリデータと品質評価尺度の共有を通じて、翻訳産業の手の届く範囲と成長を拡大します。Jaap van der Meerは、TAUSの代表として、TAUSの組織と活動についてお伝えします。とりわけ、様々な組織が、機械翻訳技術を訓練し改良するのに役立つ翻訳メモリデータ共有のためのプラットフォームについてお話し致します。

Microsoft TranslatorとTAUS Data - 統計的機械翻訳にドメイン専用のトレーニング材料を用いることの重要性


Photo of Mr. Chris Wendt
Chris Wendt (Microsoft Research)
Chris Wendtは、ドイツのハンブルグ大学をDiplom-Informatikerとして卒業。卒業後の十年間、多くのMicrosoftの製品のためのソフトウェアのインターナショナリゼーションに取り組んだ。携わった製品には、Windows、Internet Explorer、MSN、およびWindows Liveがある。これらの製品を、世界中で均一な機能性を有するものとして市場に導入した。2005年から、Chrisは、Microsoftの機械翻訳の開発のプログラム管理と企画を率いるとともに、Bing TranslatorとMicrosoft Translatorのサービスの責任者となっている。Chrisの本拠地は、米国ワシントンのレドモンドにあるMicrosoftの本部。


Microsoftは、2003年から、ウェブ上で、機械翻訳の結果を編集されていない生のデータ(raw data)として出力するという、Microsoft独自の機械翻訳サービスを提供してきました。Microsoftの統計的機械翻訳システム(statistical machine translation system)にとって、ドメインごとのトレーニング文書の使用は、使用価値のある品質のレベル(資料の刊行という目的をサポートできる品質レベル)に到達するために極めて重要です。概して、品質はドメインごとのトレーニング材料の量とともに向上しますが、これには限界があることもまた認識しておく必要があります。本日は、トレーニングデータの効果を、品質評価の方法(measured quality metrics)とオーディエンスの観察を通じてお見せしたいと思います。
セルフサービスで使用できる機械翻訳のカスタマイゼーションのシステムにより、統計的機械翻訳システムはすべての人にとって手が届くものになりました。本日は、Microsoft Translator Hubを例にあげて、翻訳ビジネスを前に進めることのできる便利なシステムが、データ+アルゴリズムによってどのように作られるかということをお伝えします。




(1) 大西 浩司 様

パソナ・パナソニック ビジネスサービス株式会社 出向

(2) 遠藤 幸夫 様


(3) 岩崎 英丈 様




森口功造(株式会社川村インターナショナル 執行役員・ゼネラルマネージャ)
品質管理担当として株式会社川村インターナショナルに入社後、チェック、翻訳、プロジェクトマネジメントなどの制作業務を経験し、2011年からは営業グループを含めた業務全般の統括として社内の管理に携わっている。日本翻訳連盟のISO検討会では機械翻訳後のポストエディットの規格策定にも関わっている。ISO TC37 SC5国内委員。




お申込みは、当ページよりお願い致します。 なお、シンポジウムの参加は無料ですが、懇親会は会費制となっております。 申込み期日は、2015年4月6日の12時です。 当日参加も受け付けておりますので、ご希望の方は、直接、2階受付までお越しください。 懇親会にご参加希望の皆様は、事前支払いまたは当日支払いをお選びいただけます。
(懇親会へは、長尾先生、Chris (Microsoft)、Jaap (TAUS) ら、講演者も参加いたします。フランクな交流の場として、是非ご参加ください!)

国立大学法人豊橋技術科学大学 井佐原 均

Symposium on Multilingual Information Sharing and Launch of TKUN


As you surely know, in our increasingly global society and economy, the importance of sharing information across borders is growing continuously. Machine translation (MT) is a valuable resource for this purpose, but many consider the implementation of MT in Japan to be insufficient in comparison to the European Union, where the technology has undergone significant development and is already being applied across various fields.


TKUN, the Translation Knowledgebase and User Network, believes that now is the time to take action to strengthen Japan’s international competitiveness through effective communication and sharing of information across cultures. Ideally, MT should be incorporated into business’ translation processes, and TKUN believes that this can be achieved through appropriate document creation, adequate post-editing, and the utilization of existing documents as corpuses. TKUN hopes to serve as a network where a wide range of companies and institutions can not only share their knowledge and data, but also find opportunities to learn strategies for the utilization of MT, thereby helping to facilitate effective multilingual communication and exchange.


We are currently planning a kick-off event to mark the founding of TKUN. If you are interested in sharing Japan’s knowledge and experience with others around the world, we would be honored to celebrate with you.


*TKUN’s official partner is TAUS (Translation Automation User Society), a well-known global think-tank based in the Netherlands. The kick-off event is held sponsored by the following: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Japan Technical Communicators Association, Japan Translation Federation, and Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT).


Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 // 9:00 to 17:00
Venue: Hitotsubashi Hall Conference Room Gakujutsu Sougou Center Hitotsubashi 2-1-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Deadline for Registration: March 30, 2015

Program (provisional)

1. Keynote Speech, Dr. Makoto Nagao, formerly president of University of Kyoto
2. Outline of the Network Project, Professor Hitoshi Isahara, Toyohashi University of Technology
3. Importance and Effectiveness of Preparing and Sharing Language Resources, Associate Professor Tomoyoshi Akiba, Toyohashi University of Technology
4. Introduction to TAUS, Mr. Jaap van der Meer, Director, TAUS
5. TAUS User Success Story, Mr. Chris Wendt, Microsoft Research
6. Expectations for the Consortium, various speakers from Japanese firms (TBA)
7. Future Success Story in Japan, Mr. Hiroki Kawano, Honyaku Center
8. ISO-related News - Controlled Language and Post-editing, Mr. Kozo Moriguchi, Kawamura International Co., Ltd.

Session 1
Importance of Mutual Cooperation for machine translation (MT) in Multi Languages for today’s Globalized Society



Dr. Makoto Nagao
(Formerly President of Kyoto University)
Career: Dr. Nagao is currently a professor emeritus of Kyoto University. He served as a former president of Kyoto University, and a former director of National Diet Library. He is also a member of the Japan Academy.
Awards: Medal with Purple Ribbon (Medal of Honour by the Cabinet of the Government of Japan) in 1997, Japan Prize in 2005, and a prize for Person of Cultural Merit (prize for a person who has made outstanding cultural contributions in Japan) in 2008.
Dr. Nagao is the founder of machine translation research in Japan, and a devoted and outstanding contributor therefor. He proposed and initiated the example-based machine translation system.


In the globalized era, communication, trade, technology transfer, and the like are tremendously increasing. This leads to increasing demand for mutual translation between multi languages. In consideration of the Olympic and Paralympic to be held in Tokyo in 2020, speech translation is also required in multi languages. I would like to share my view with you today that, under those circumstances, it is quite important to make a system such that those in translation industry and enterprises which need translation services (clients for translation services) mutually cooperate with one another.

Session 2
Now is the Time for Strengthening Japan’s International Competitiveness
– Proposal for TKUN


Hitoshi Isahara(Professor of Toyohashi Institute of Technology)
Dr. Isahara made his research activities on natural language processing and machine translation in the following institution: Electrotechnical Laboratory in Ministry of International Trade and Industry (currently National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Ministry of Economy, Technology and Industry of Japan), and Communications Research Laboratory in Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (currently National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)).
He is now a chief organizer of Technical Japanese Association. He served as a former president of Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT) and a former president of International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT).


Effective communication and sharing of information across cultures is indispensable to strengthen Japan’s international competitiveness. Today, I would like to introduce you to join “TKUN” (Translation Knowledgebase and User Network), which has been in my mind as useful to break language barriers which are obstacles for Japanese business players, academics, and language service providers. TKUN, which is launched today, is a network for all of them to get together and share data, knowledge and wisdom of members one another. Furthermore, TKUN allows us to learn and make use of machine translation technology, and international framework for data sharing and evaluation of machine translation, etc. Let me show you an outline of TKUN, and my vision and expectations as regards TKUN to proceed with it together with you for the future.

Session 3
Language Resources for Development and Evaluation of National Language Processing Systems including Machine Translation


Photo of Mr. Akiba

Tomoyoshi Akiba
(Toyohashi University of Technology)
Mr. Akiba joined Electrotechnical Laboratory in Ministry of International Trade and Industry (currently National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Ministry of Economy, Technology and Industry of Japan) in 1995. Since 2014, he serves as an associate professor at Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering. His research majors are speech and language processing, and natural language processing.


In recent years, a large volume of languages resources are becoming more and more indispensable for the development of national language processing system. For Example, the performance of statistical machine translation has been improved with rapidly growing research since the year of 2000. As you surely know, statistical machine translation is a system for conducting machine translation by automatically learning translation rules from a large volume of parallel corpuses, if available.
On the other hand, language resources are also necessary for evaluating the quality of developed language processing systems. In a workshop for evaluation such as TREC and NTCIR, researchers get together to share common evaluation resources, which allows enhancement of technical development of language processing systems.
Today, let me introduce you the use of language resources as a foundation for evaluation, raising SpokenDoc and SpokenQuery&Doc (which I organize) as examples. In addition, we are aiming at realization of use of machine translation in multi languages. There are some difficulties for languages with limited availability of language resources. Realization of machine translation in such languages must be possible by use of large volume of resources of some other languages.

Session 4
Introduction of TAUS and insights in the global market for machine translation


Photo of Mr. Jaap van der Meer

Mr. Jaap van der Meer

TAUS, Translation Automation User Society, Netherlands
Jaap van der Meer was the founder and CEO of some of the largest global translation and localization service companies in the 1980s and 1990s. In 2005 he founded the Translation Automation User Society (TAUS). TAUS is an innovation think tank and platform for industry-shared services for the global translation and localization sector. Many of the largest IT companies, government translation bodies and their suppliers of translation and localization services and technologies are members of TAUS. TAUS offers among others a platform for translation quality evaluation and benchmarking and a platform for pooling and sharing of translation memory data. Jaap van der Meer has written many articles over the years about the translation industry.


TAUS is a resource center for the global translation industries. Our mission is to increase the size and significance of the translation industry to help the world communicate better. We support buyers and providers of language services and technologies with a comprehensive suite of online services, software and knowledge that help them to grow and innovate their business. We extend the reach and growth of the translation industry through our vision of the Human Language Project and our execution with sharing translation memory data and quality evaluation metrics. Jaap van der Meer, director of TAUS, will present the TAUS organization and its activities. In particular he will talk about the platform for sharing translation memory data that helps organizations to train and improve machine translation technologies.

Session 5
Microsoft Translator and TAUS Data - The importance of in-domain training material for statistical MT


Photo of Mr. Chris Wendt

Chris Wendt
(Microsoft Research)
Chris Wendt graduated as Diplom-Informatiker from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and subsequently spent a decade on software internationalization for a multitude of Microsoft products, including Windows, Internet Explorer, MSN and Windows Live - bringing these products to market with equal functionality worldwide. Since 2005 he is leading the program management and planning for Microsoft's Machine Translation development, responsible for Bing Translator and Microsoft Translator services. He is based at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington.


Microsoft has been publishing raw unedited output of its own machine translation service on the web since 2003, and its knowledge base is still one of the largest instances of published raw MT on the web. The use of domain-relevant training documents for Microsoft’s statistical machine translation system is crucial for reaching useful quality levels: Quality levels which support the purpose of the published material. In general, quality generally increases with the amount of domain-relevant training material, but has its limits. We will observe the effect of this training data, using the measured quality metrics as well as audience observation. Today’s self-service MT customization systems put statistical MT in reach for everyone. We’ll use the Translator Hub as an example of how data plus algorithms create usable systems that can move the translation business forward.

Session 6
Expectations for Communication and Information Sharing in Multi Languages


We are honored to have the following speakers to tell us (a) how the industry thinks it important to communicate and share information in multi languages, (b) the current state in the industry, and (c) their expectations for TKUN to support this by sharing and utilizing the data:

(1) Mr. Koji Onishi, Panasonic Corporation
He is currently on a loan to Pasona-Panasonic Business Services Co., Ltd., and is manager of Product Content Department, Smart Media Business Group.

(2) Mr. Yukio Endo
Head of Manual Production Department, Musical Instruments & Audio Products Development Group, Yamaha Corporation

(3) Mr. Hidetake Iwasaki
Director of Marketing Department, BANDO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIDS, LTD.

Session 8
Towards International Standardization of MT and Post-Editing



Kozo Moriguchi
(Kawamura International Co., Ltd., Executive Officer and General Manager)
Kozo Moriguchi joined Kawamura International Co., Ltd., initially for quality management. He mainly worked on translation production processes such as revision, translation, and project management. Since 2011, he deals with management of overall issues of the firm including sales group. In the preparation team hosted by Japan Translation Federation (JTF) for ISO Japanese mirror committee, he deals with preparation of draft for ISO standards of post-editing of machine-translation outputs. He is officially a member of Japanese mirror committee for ISO TC37 SC5.


Currently, in ISO committee (both internationally and nationally), we are on our way of discussing international standardization of matters with regard to translation and interpretation, such as translation (ISO17100), controlled language (ISO24620-1), and post-editing (ISO18587). In today’s lecture, let me introduce how ISO18587 is progressing. Upon this, we are now discussing how to construct international standardization for the process of post-editing of an output of machine translation, as well as requirements for qualified post-editors.

This page will be updated with further details at a later date.

To register, please click the green button right above the English address.

Participation in the symposium is free, but the networking event that follows will require a fee. The fee may either be paid in advance or at the reception of the event.

Professor Hitoshi Isahara
Toyohashi University of Technology


Translation Knowledgebase and User Network (TKUN)

Translation Knowledgebase and User Network (TKUN)

